Antimatter Magazine

ANTIMATTER publishes flash fiction and story experiments inspired by the latest science news and discoveries.

We're most interested in flash fiction, but we're also open to story experiments, narrative games, and text messager-based stories.


First, find a recent scientific story, headline, or discovery that sparks your imagination. (View science headlines here. View scientific story prompts here.) Then, use that real science headline to inform, drive, or inspire an original flash science fiction story.
  • A short story up to 500 words (about one single-spaced page that can be read aloud in about five minutes).
  • A story with a plot (though we’re open to creative interpretation).
  • A story linked to a recent science headline, new discovery, or new hypothesis or theory.
Writers are encouraged to experiment with the flash fiction story form. For example, your story could be framed as a lab report, scientific article, message transcript, or a poem, or a script. It’s not required, but preference is given to stories crafted to feel real - like they really happened. Such stories can include many links to sources, authoritative quotes, and other techniques that lead the reader to suspend disbelief.


We use Submittable to manage story submissions. When you send us your story via Submittable, you will need to include a link to the article that inspired your story as well as a short bio.
  • You will receive notice if your story is accepted within five days of submission. 
  • Payment is sent within 21 days of notice of acceptance.
Antimatter will promote your story via social media, potentially including paid promotion, and via our email newsletter.


  • Antimatter Magazine pays $20 per story.
  • We issue payment within 21 days of story publication.
  • Additionally, we reserve the right to offer you more money for additional reprinting in ANTIMATTER anthologies.


In exchange for the fee we pay for your story, we ask for first North American serial rights and First Electronic Rights. Here’s a good, simple explanation of those rights. What does first publication mean?
  • Your story will be published on
  • Your story might be syndicated to our Medium publication at
  • A link to your story will be distributed to our email list.
  • Your story will be available to our other channels, including, RSS, and through anthologized issues, which can appear on e-readers and other devices, and in our archives.
  • Also, unless arrangements are made in advance, we reserve exclusive rights to published
  • content for 60 days. This means no other posting of the accepted story anywhere on the Web, or in print in the United States or Canada, for 60 days after its exclusive appearance on and Antimatter Magazine channels.
  • After 60 days, will share full rights with original writers.
  • First publication in Antimatter grants the Magazine permission to republish flashes, articles, and reviews elsewhere (in, for example, an anthology of the best pieces from Flash).
  • We are also asking for indefinite archiving rights, as the story may appear on and associated channels.
  • At the writer’s request, we will remove the story from our archives after 60 days.
  • If the story is republished after 60 days, we ask that be credited as the original publisher with a link to the piece on in the byline or the body.
Please Note
  • In most cases, we don’t accept reprints, including from your personal website. If you think we should, though, let us know.
  • Please don’t submit the same story to us and any other venue at the same time. We’ll let you know if we accepted it within 5 business days of submission.


  • We promote your stories on social media and in our newsletter.
  • Your bio and a link to your website and social profiles will be listed on


For Antimatter to accept your writing and pay you, we will need:
  • A print-ready, third-person bio with your cover letter.
  • A PayPal address or mailing address where we can send payment.
submit NOTE: Details valid through October 31, 2107
Antimatter Magazine